Prisjämförelse för Replacement bridge - Primary 123 cm (M)
Replacement bridge - Primary 123 cm (M) är rankad på plats 3 av 8707 i trädgård. Bästa pris är 268 kr
Replacement bridges for the treeMOTION Pro and Essential. Three Lengths and Two Colors, Primary bridge (Brighth Green) and Secondary Bridge (Dark Green). Sold individually.Refer to treeMOTION user manual for repalcement and approved knot.The TreeMotion bridge is constructed with a woven 24-plait polyester cover with an intermediate sheath made of staple fibers. The core is Dyneema SK75 which is very strong and abrasion resistant. The bridge features a double braid construction.
Modellnamn: Replacement bridge - Primary 123 cm (M)
Tillverkare: Ej angivet
Kategori: Trädgård (Trädgårdsutrustning)